Der Gameboy hat die mobile Spielewelt verändert. Das war damals Ende der 80er Jahre. Auch 20 Jahre später erfreut er sich großer Beliebtheit. Hier folgt eine Spieleliste von Gameboy-Spielen in alphabetischer Reihenfolge. (Stand: September 2010)
- A Sound Of Thunder (Acclaim)
- Ab durch die Hecke (Activision)
- Ab durch die Hecke: Hammy dreht durch (Activision)
- Ace Combat Advance (Atari)
- Action Man: Robot Atak (Atari)
- Advance Guardian Heroes (Ubisoft)
- Advance Wars (Nintendo)
- Advance Wars 2 – Black Hole Rising (Nintendo)
- Aerial Aces (THQ)
- Agassi Tennis Generation (Flashpoint)
- Agent Hugo – RoboRumble (TBA)
- Aggravation / Scrabble Junior / Sorry (Midway)
- Aggressive Inline (Acclaim)
- Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (THQ)
- Alexander Zickler Total Soccer 2002 (Ubisoft)
- Alien Hominid (Zoo Digital)
- Alienators – Evolution Continues (Activision)
- American Dragon: Jake Long (Buena Vista Games)
- Animaniacs: Lights, Camera, Action (Flashpoint)
- Animaniacs: Pinky And The Brain – The Master Plan (BigBen Interactive)
- Another World (Zoo Digital)
- Anstoss Action 2006 (East Entertainment Media)
- Antz Extreme Racing (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Arctic Tale (TBA)
- Arielle die Meerjungfrau: Ein Meer voller Abenteuer (Buena Vista Games)
- Army Men Advance (Atari)
- Army Men: Operation Green (3DO)
- Arthur und die Minimoys (Atari)
- Asterix & Obelix – Jetzt geht (Atari)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL (Atari)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL + Asterix & Obelix: Jetzt gehts (Atari)
- Asteroids / Pong / Yars Revenge (Midway)
- Astro Boy: Omega Faktor (THQ)
- Atari Anniversary Advance (Atari)
- Atlantis – Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt (THQ)
- Atomic Betty (Atari)
- ATV Thunder Ridge Riders (Midway)
- ATV: Quad Power Racing (CDV)
- Avatar – Der Herr der Elemente: Die Erde brennt (THQ)
- Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente (THQ)
- Babar – To The Rescue (Flashpoint)
- BackTrack (Telegames)
- Backyard Baseball 2006 (Atari)
- Backyard Skateboarding (Atari)
- Baldur´s Gate: Dark Alliance (Ubisoft)
- Balloon Fight-e (Nintendo)
- Banjo Pilot (THQ)
- Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty´s Revenge (THQ)
- Baphomets Fluch: Broken Sword (Ubisoft)
- Barbarian (Avalon Interactive)
- Barbie in Die Prinzessin und das Dorfmädchen (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Barbie in: Die 12 tanzenden Prinzessinnen (Activision)
- Barbie Pferdeabenteuer: Das große Reitturnier (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Barbie SuperPack (Groovy Games + Secret Agent) (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Barbie und der geheimnisvolle Pegasus (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Barbie: Groovy Games (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Barbie: Secret Agent (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Baseball-e (Nintendo)
- Batman Begins (Electronic Arts)
- Batman: Vengeance (Ubisoft)
- Battle Bots – Beyond The Battlebox (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Battleships / Clue / Risk (Midway)
- Best Friends: Hunde & Katzen (dtp)
- Beyblade GRevolution (Atari)
- Beyblade: V-Force – Ultimate Blader Jam (Atari)
- Bibi Blocksberg: Der magische Hexenkreis (Kiddinx)
- Bibi und Tina: Ferien auf dem Martinshof (Kiddinx)
- Biene Maja: Das große Abenteuer (Acclaim)
- Biene Maja: Klatschmohnwiese in Gefahr (Midway)
- Biene Maja: Süßes Gold (Midway)
- Big Mutha Truckers (Midway)
- Bionicle – Labyrinth der Schatten (THQ)
- Bionicle Heroes (Eidos Interactive)
- bit Generations – Boundish (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Coloris (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Dialhex (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Digidrive (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Dotstream (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Orbital (Nintendo)
- bit Generations – Soundvoyager (Nintendo)
- Black Belt Challenge (THQ)
- Blackthorne (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Blender Bros. (Atari)
- Boktai – The Sun Is In Your Hand (Konami)
- Boktai 2 – Solar Boy Django (Konami)
- Bomberman Max 2: Blue Advance (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Bomberman Max 2: Red Advance (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Bomberman Tournament (Activision)
- Bonx Racing (Ubisoft)
- Boulder Dash EX (Kemco)
- Boxing Fever (THQ)
- Bratz (Ubisoft)
- Bratz: Forever Diamondz (THQ)
- Bratz: Rock Angelz (THQ)
- Bratz: The Movie (THQ)
- Breakout / Centipede / Warlords (Midway)
- Breath of Fire (Ubisoft)
- Breath of Fire II (Ubisoft)
- Brick´em All (TBA)
- Britney (THQ)
- Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Bubble Bobble Old & New (THQ)
- Buffy – Im Bann der Dämonen: König Darkhuls Zorn (THQ)
- Butt-Ugly Martians: B.K.M. Battles (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Cabela´s Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures (Midway)
- Caesar (THQ)
- Capcom Classics Mini Mix (Capcom)
- Car Battler Joe (Ubisoft)
- Cars (THQ)
- Cars: Hook International (THQ)
- Cartoon Network Block Party + Speedway (THQ)
- Casper (Avalon Interactive)
- Castlevania Doublepack (Konami)
- Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (Konami)
- Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Konami)
- Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (Konami)
- Castleween (Wanadoo)
- Catwoman (Electronic Arts)
- Catz (Ubisoft)
- Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik (Take 2 Interactive)
- Chess / Draughts / Backgammon (Midway)
- Chessmaster (Ubisoft)
- Chicken Shoot 1 (Midway)
- Chicken Shoot 2 (Midway)
- ChuChu Rocket! (Atari)
- Cinderella: Zauberhafte Träume (THQ)
- Clu Clu Land-e (Nintendo)
- Coco: Der neugierige Affe (Electronic Arts)
- Cocoto Kart Racer (TBA)
- Colin McRae Rally 2.0 (Ubisoft)
- Columns + ChuChu Rocket (THQ)
- Columns Crown (Atari)
- Comix Zone (Atari)
- Connect 4 / Frustration / Perfection (Midway)
- Contra Advance – The Alien Wars EX (Konami)
- Cosmo & Wanda – Wenn Elfen Helfen! Die Anti-Welt (THQ)
- Cosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen helfen! – Das Schattenduell (THQ)
- Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 1 (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 2 (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash & Spyro Super Pack Volume 3 (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash Bandicoot XS (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash Bandicoot: Fusion (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash Nitro Kart (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crash of the Titans (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Crazy Chase (Kemco)
- Crazy Frog Racer Feat. The Annoying Thing (dtp)
- Crazy Taxi – Catch A Ride (Atari)
- Creatures (BigBen Interactive)
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Ubisoft)
- Cruis´n Velocity (Konami)
- CT Special Forces (BigBen Interactive)
- CT Special Forces 3 – Bioterror (Flashpoint)
- CT Special Forces: Back To Hell (Flashpoint)
- Danny Phantom: Dschungelstadt (THQ)
- Danny Phantom: Sein größter Gegner (THQ)
- Daredevil (THQ)
- Dark Arena (THQ)
- Darts + Shuffle Bowl + Roll-a-Ball (THQ)
- Das Dschungelbuch 2 (Ubisoft)
- Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (Acclaim)
- Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3 (Acclaim)
- David Beckham Fußball (Ubisoft)
- Dead to Rights (Midway)
- Deadly Skies (Konami)
- Defender (Konami)
- Defender Of The Crown (Midway)
- Denki Blocks (Ubisoft)
- Densetsu no Stafy (Nintendo)
- Densetsu no Stafy 2 (Nintendo)
- Densetsu no Stafy 3 (Nintendo)
- Der Anschlag (Ubisoft)
- Der Herr der Ringe: Das dritte Zeitalter (Electronic Arts)
- Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs (Electronic Arts)
- Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme (Electronic Arts)
- Der König der Löwen (THQ)
- Der König der Löwen + Bärenbrüder (THQ)
- Der Polarexpress (THQ)
- Der Schatzplanet (Ubisoft)
- Der SpongeBob Schwammkopf Film (THQ)
- Der tierisch verrückte Bauernhof (THQ)
- Deutschland sucht den Superstar (Codemasters)
- Dexter (Ubisoft)
- Dexter’s Laboratory: Chess Challenge (Konami)
- Diddy Kong Pilot (Nintendo)
- Die Chroniken von Narnia – Der König von Narnia (Buena Vista Games)
- Die Glücksbärchis (Flashpoint)
- Die Kühe sind los (Ubisoft)
- Die Monster AG (THQ)
- Die Mumie (Ubisoft)
- Die Reise der Pinguine (Midway)
- Die Schlümpfe schlagen zurück (Atari)
- Die Sims 2 (Electronic Arts)
- Die Sims 2: Haustiere (Electronic Arts)
- Die Sims brechen aus (Electronic Arts)
- Die Unglaublichen – The Incredibles (THQ)
- Die Unglaublichen: Der Angriff des Tunnelgräbers (THQ)
- Die Urbz: Sims in the City (Electronic Arts)
- Die wilden Fußballkerle: Entscheidung im Teufelstopf (Kiddinx)
- Die wilden Fußballkerle: Gefahr im Wilde Kerle Land (Kiddinx)
- Digimon Battle Spirit (Atari)
- Digimon Battle Spirit 2 (Atari)
- Digimon Racing (Atari)
- Digitylsh (Nintendo)
- Diner Dash (Eidos Interactive)
- Dinotopia: The Timestone Pirates (TDK mediactive)
- Disney Party (Electronic Arts)
- Disney Prinzessinnen: Königliches Abenteuer (Buena Vista Games)
- Disney Sports Skateboarding + Fußball (Buena Vista Games)
- Disney Sports: Basketball (Konami)
- Disney Sports: Fußball (Konami)
- Disney Sports: Motocross (Konami)
- Disney Sports: Skateboarding (Konami)
- Disney Sports: Snowboarding (Konami)
- Disney´s Aladdin (GBC) (Ubisoft)
- Disneys Aladdin (Capcom)
- Disneys Bärenbrüder (THQ)
- Disneys Bärenbrüder + Disneys Prinzessinnen (THQ)
- Disneys Extreme Skate Adventure (Activision)
- Disneys Magical Quest (Capcom)
- Disneys Magical Quest 2 (Capcom)
- Disneys Magical Quest 3 (Capcom)
- Disneys Prinzessinnen (THQ)
- Disneys Winnie Puuh – Kunterbunte Abenteuer (Ubisoft)
- Dogz (Ubisoft)
- Dogz 2 (Ubisoft)
- Dokapon – Monster Hunter (Ubisoft)
- Donald Duck Advance (Ubisoft)
- Donkey Kong 3-e (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country 2 (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Country 3 (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong Jr.-e (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong: King of Swing (Nintendo)
- Donkey Kong-e (Nintendo)
- Doom (Activision)
- Doom II (Activision)
- Dora: The Explorer (TBA)
- Double Pack: Peter Pan: Neue im Nimmerland + Lilo & Stitch 2 (Disney Interactive)
- Downforce (Avalon Interactive)
- Dr. Mario & Puzzle League (Nintendo)
- Dr. Muto (Konami)
- Dr. Sudoku (Digital Bros)
- Drachenfels (East Entertainment Media)
- Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure (Atari)
- Dragon Ball Z: Buu´s Fury (Banpresto)
- Dragon Ball Z: Das Erbe des Goku (Atari)
- Dragon Ball Z: Das Erbe des Goku II (Atari)
- Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors (Atari)
- Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu (Atari)
- Drill Dozer (Nintendo)
- Driv3r (Atari)
- Driven (Ubisoft)
- Driver 2 Advance (Atari)
- Droopy (BigBen Interactive)
- DSF Freestyle Scooter (Ubisoft)
- Duel Masters 2: Kaijudo Showdown (Atari)
- Duel Masters: Sempai Legends (Atari)
- Duel Masters: Shadow of the Code (Atari)
- Duke Nukem Advance (Take 2 Interactive)
- Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder (Atari)
- Dynasty Warriors Advance (Nintendo)
- E.T. – Der Außerirdische (Ubisoft)
- Earthworm Jim (THQ)
- Earthworm Jim 2 (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Ecks vs. Sever (Ubisoft)
- Ecks vs. Sever II – Ballistic (Konami)
- Ed, Edd ´n Eddy – Jawbreakers! (Acclaim)
- Eggo Mania (Kemco)
- Emily Erdbeer (Flashpoint)
- Eragon (Vivendi Universal Games)
- e-Reader Game & Watch Collection – Manhole-e (Nintendo)
- ESPN Final Round Golf 2002 (Konami)
- ESPN Great Outdoor Games: Bass Tournament (Konami)
- ESPN International Winter Sports (Konami)
- ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2 (Konami)
- ESPN X-Games Skateboarding (Konami)
- European Super League (Avalon Interactive)
- everGirl (THQ)
- Excitebike-e (Nintendo)
- Expedition der Stachelbeeren – Zoff im Zoo (THQ)
- Extreme Ghostbusters: Code Ecto-1 (Wanadoo)
- EZ Talk (Keynet)
- F1 2002 (Ubisoft)
- F-14 Tomcat (THQ)
- F24 Stealth Fighter (Majesco Games)
- Familie Feuerstein: Bedrock steht Kopf (BigBen Interactive)
- Family Tennis Advance (Namco)
- Fantastic Four (Activision)
- Feivel, der Mauswanderer und der verborgene Schatz (BigBen Interactive)
- Ferkels großes Abenteuer-Spiel (THQ)
- FIFA 06 (Electronic Arts)
- FIFA 07 (Electronic Arts)
- FIFA Football 2003 (Electronic Arts)
- FIFA Football 2004 (Electronic Arts)
- FIFA Football 2005 (Electronic Arts)
- FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 (Electronic Arts)
- Fila Decathlon (THQ)
- Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (Nintendo)
- Final Fantasy IV Advance (Nintendo)
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Nintendo)
- Final Fantasy V Advance (Nintendo)
- Final Fantasy VI Advance (Nintendo)
- Final Fight One (Ubisoft)
- Findet Nemo (THQ)
- Findet Nemo + Die Unglaublichen (THQ)
- Findet Nemo + Findet Nemo 2 (THQ)
- Findet Nemo: Abenteuer geht weiter (THQ)
- Fire Emblem (Nintendo)
- Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Nintendo)
- Fire Pro Wrestling (Ubisoft)
- Fluch der Karibik (TDK mediactive)
- Flutsch und weg (Koch Media)
- Ford Racing 3 (Zoo Digital)
- Fortress (THQ)
- Franklin the Turtle (Flashpoint)
- Franklin´s Great Adventure (Flashpoint)
- Frogger (Konami)
- Frogger Advance – The Great Quest (Konami)
- Frogger´s Adventures: Temple of the Frog (Konami)
- Funny Cards (TBA)
- F-Zero Climax (Nintendo)
- F-Zero GP Legend (Nintendo)
- F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Nintendo)
- Gadget Racers (Conspiracy Entertainment)
- Galidor – Defenders of the Outer Dimension (Lego)
- Game & Watch Gallery Advance (Nintendo)
- Garfield (Flashpoint)
- Garfield und seine neun Leben (Flashpoint)
- Gauntlet / Rampart (Midway)
- Gekido Advance – Kintaro (BigBen Interactive)
- Ghost Rider (Take 2 Interactive)
- Glory Days – The Essence of War (Flashpoint)
- Go! Go! Beckham! – Abenteuer auf der Fußballinsel (Alltainment)
- Godzilla: Domination (Atari)
- Golden Nugget Casino + Texas Hold´em Poker (THQ)
- Golden Sun (Nintendo)
- Golden Sun: Die vergessene Epoche (Nintendo)
- Golf-e (Nintendo)
- GP Advance (TBA)
- Gradius Advance (Konami)
- Graffiti Skater (JoWooD Productions)
- Grand Theft Auto (TBA)
- Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo (Wanadoo)
- Große Haie – Kleine Fische (Activision)
- Große Haie – kleine Fische + Shrek 2 (Activision)
- GT 3 Advance + MotoGP: Ultimate Racing Technol (THQ)
- GT Advance 2 Rally Racing (THQ)
- GT Advance 3 Pro Concept Racing (THQ)
- GT Advance Championship Racing (THQ)
- Guilty Gear X Advance Edition (BigBen Interactive)
- Gumby vs. the Astrobots (TBA)
- Gunstar Future Heroes (THQ)
- Hamtaro Ham-Ham-Games (Nintendo)
- Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak (Nintendo)
- Hamtaro: Rainbow Rescue (Nintendo)
- Happy Feet (Midway)
- Hardcore Pool (TBA)
- Harlem Globetrotters World Tour (Midway)
- Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (Electronic Arts)
- Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix (Electronic Arts)
- Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Electronic Arts)
- Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (Electronic Arts)
- Harry Potter: Gefangene von Askaban (Electronic Arts)
- Harry Potter: Quidditch-Weltmeisterschaft (Electronic Arts)
- Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (Ubisoft)
- Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town (Ubisoft)
- Heart of Darkness (Atari)
- Heidi (East Entertainment Media)
- Hello Kitty: Der große Party-Spaß (THQ)
- Herbie Fully Loaded – Ein toller Käfer startet durch (Buena Vista Games)
- Hey Arnold! The Movie (THQ)
- Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi (Koch Media)
- Himmel und Huhn (Buena Vista Games)
- Hobbit (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Hot Potato! (Ubisoft)
- Hot Wheels Burnin‘ Rubber (THQ)
- Hot Wheels Stunt Track Challenge + Hot Wheels World Race (Midway)
- Hot Wheels Velocity X (THQ)
- Hot Wheels Velocity X + Hot Wheels World Race (THQ)
- Hot Wheels World Race (THQ)
- Hot Wheels: All Out (Zoo Digital)
- Hugo Bukkazoom! / Hugo und der teuflische Spiegel (NBG Multimedia)
- Hugo Bukkazoom! (NGB)
- Hugo und der teuflische Spiegel (NGB)
- Ice Age (Ubisoft)
- Ice Age 2: Jetzt taut´s (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Ice Climber-e (Nintendo)
- Ice Nine (Acclaim)
- In 80 Tagen um die Welt (Flashpoint)
- In einem Land vor unserer Zeit (Flashpoint)
- I-Ninja (Namco)
- Inspector Gadget: Advance Mission (BigBen Interactive)
- International Karate Advanced (Flashpoint)
- International Superstar Soccer (Konami)
- International Superstar Soccer Advance (Konami)
- Invader (THQ)
- Iridion 3D (THQ)
- Iridion II (Vivendi Universal Games)
- It´s Mr. Pants (THQ)
- Jackie Chan Adventures – Legend of the Dark Hand (Activision)
- Jagdfieber (Ubisoft)
- James Bond 007: Alles oder Nichts (Electronic Arts)
- James Bond 007: NightFire (Electronic Arts)
- Jet Set Radio (Atari)
- Jimmy Neutron vs. Jimmy Negatron (THQ)
- Jimmy Neutron, der mutige Erfinder (THQ)
- Juka and the Monophonic Menace (TBA)
- Jurassic Park III: Dino Attack (Konami)
- Jurassic Park III: Park Builder (Konami)
- Jurassic Park III: The DNA Factor (Konami)
- Justice League – Injustice For All (Konami)
- Justice League Heroes: The Flash (Warner Bros Interactive)
- Kao The Kangaroo (Avalon Interactive)
- Kelly Slater (Activision)
- kill.switch (Midway)
- Killer 3D Pool (Midway)
- Kim Possible – Monkey Fists Rache (THQ)
- Kim Possible 3 (Disney Interactive)
- Kim Possible: Drakken´s Untergang (Buena Vista Games)
- King Kong (Ubisoft)
- King of Fighters 2 EX – Howling Blood (Acclaim)
- King Of Fighters EX Neoblood (BigBen Interactive)
- Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Nintendo)
- Kirby – Nightmare In Dream Land (Nintendo)
- Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Nintendo)
- Klax / Marble Madness (Midway)
- Klonoa 2 (Namco)
- Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (Atari)
- Koala Brothers (Flashpoint)
- Konami Collector (Konami)
- Konami Krazy Racers (Konami)
- Kong (Ubisoft)
- Kong: King of Atlantis (THQ)
- König der Löwen & Disneys Prinzessinen (THQ)
- Könige der Wellen (Ubisoft)
- Kotoban no Puzzle: Mojipittan (Namco)
- KuruKuru Kururin (Nintendo)
- Kururin Paradise (Nintendo)
- Lady Sia (TDK mediactive)
- Lass uns reiten 2 Compilation (dtp)
- Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo)
- Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Nintendo)
- Legends of Wrestling II (Acclaim)
- Lego Bionicle (THQ)
- Lego Bionicle: Auf der Suche nach den Toa (Lego)
- Lego Bionicle: Matoran Adventures (Lego)
- Lego Drome Racers (THQ)
- Lego Football Mania (Lego)
- Lego Insel 2 – Der Steinbrecher kehrt zurück (Lego)
- Lego Island Xtreme Stunts (Lego)
- Lego Knights Kingdom (THQ)
- Lego Knights´s Bionicle + Lego Knights Kingdom (THQ)
- Lego Racers 2 (Lego)
- Lego Star Wars (Eidos Interactive)
- LEGO Star Wars II: Die klassische Trilogie (Activision)
- Lemony Snicket – Rätselhafte Ereignisse (Activision)
- Lilo & Stitch (Ubisoft)
- Lilo & Stitch 2 (Buena Vista Games)
- Little Einsteins (Buena Vista Games)
- Lizzie McGuire 3 (Disney Interactive)
- Lizzie McGuire On The Go! (THQ)
- Looney Tunes: Acme Antics + Dizzy Driving (THQ)
- Looney Tunes: Back In Action (Electronic Arts)
- Lucas, der Ameisenschreck (Midway)
- Lucky Luke: Wanted (Atari)
- Lufia – The Legend Returns (Ubisoft)
- Lunar Lander / Millipede / Superbreakout (Midway)
- Madagascar (Activision)
- Madagascar: Operation Pinguin (Activision)
- Madden NFL 07 (Electronic Arts)
- Madden NFL 2006 (Electronic Arts)
- Magic Karts (Software 2000)
- Magical Vacation (Nintendo)
- Majesco´s Sportpack (THQ)
- Maniac Racers Advance (Konami)
- Manic Miner (BigBen Interactive)
- Mario & Luigi – Superstar Saga (Nintendo)
- Mario Bros.-e (Nintendo)
- Mario Golf Advance Tour (Nintendo)
- Mario Kart: Super Circuit (Nintendo)
- Mario Party Advance (Nintendo)
- Mario Party-e (Nintendo)
- Mario Power Tennis (Nintendo)
- Mario Tennis (GBC) (Nintendo)
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Nintendo)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Activision)
- Mat Hoffman´s Pro BMX (Activision)
- Mat Hoffman´s Pro BMX 2 (Activision)
- Matchbox Cross Town Heroes (THQ)
- Matchbox Kids Compilation (Zoo Digital)
- Matchbox Missions: Emergency Response & Air, Land & Sea Resc (Midway)
- Max Payne Advance (Take 2 Interactive)
- Mech Platoon (Kemco)
- Medabots: Metabee Ver. AX (Ubisoft)
- Medabots: Rokusho Ver. AX (Ubisoft)
- Medal Of Honor: Infiltrator (Electronic Arts)
- Mega Man Anniversary Collection (Capcom)
- MegaMan & Bass (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 1 (Ubisoft)
- MegaMan Battle Network 2 (Ubisoft)
- MegaMan Battle Network 3 Blue (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 3 White (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 4 Red Sun (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 5 – Team Colonel (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 5 – Team Protoman (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (Capcom)
- MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar (Capcom)
- MegaMan Zero (Capcom)
- MegaMan Zero 2 (Capcom)
- MegaMan Zero 3 (Capcom)
- MegaMan Zero 4 (Capcom)
- Mein Pferdehof 2 (TBA)
- Meine Tierklinik in Afrika (Koch Media)
- Meine Tierpension (dtp)
- Meine Tierpraxis (dtp)
- Men In Black – The Series (Ubisoft)
- Metal Slug 1 (Atari)
- Metal Slug Advance (Flashpoint)
- Metroid Fusion (Nintendo)
- Metroid Zero Mission (Nintendo)
- Micro Machines Explosion (Atari)
- Midnight Club Street Racing (BigBen Interactive)
- Midway´s Greatest Arcade Hits (Konami)
- Mike Tyson Boxing (Ubisoft)
- Minority Report – Everybody Runs (Activision)
- Mission: Impossible – Operation Surma (Atari)
- MKA – Mortal Kombat Advance (Konami)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow (TBA)
- Monopoly (Midway)
- Monster AG & Findet Nemo (THQ)
- Monster Force (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Monster House (THQ)
- Monster Jam Maximum Destruction (Ubisoft)
- Monster Truck Madness (THQ)
- Monster Trucks Mayhem (Midway)
- Moorhuhn 3 – …Es gibt Huhn! (Ubisoft)
- Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (Konami)
- Mother 1+2 (Nintendo)
- Mother 3 (Nintendo)
- Moto Racer Advance (Ubisoft)
- MotoGP: Ultimate Racing Technology (THQ)
- Mr. Driller 2 (Atari)
- Mr. Driller Ace (Namco)
- Mr. Nutz (Atari)
- Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (Midway)
- Muppet Pinball Mayhem (Ubisoft)
- Muppets: Bühne frei! (TDK mediactive)
- MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (THQ)
- Namco Museum (Atari)
- Namco Museum 50th Anniversary (Electronic Arts)
- Naruto RPG: Uketsugareshi Hi no Ishi (Tomy)
- Naruto: Ninja Council (D3 Publisher)
- NBA Jam 2002 (Acclaim)
- Need for Speed Most Wanted (Electronic Arts)
- Need For Speed Underground 2 (Electronic Arts)
- Need for Speed: Carbon – Own the City (Electronic Arts)
- Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed (Ubisoft)
- Need For Speed: Underground (Electronic Arts)
- NES Classics – Bomberman (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Castlevania (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Donkey Kong (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Dr. Mario (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Excitebike (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Ice Climber (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Metroid (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Pac-Man (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Nintendo)
- NES Classics – Xevious (Nintendo)
- NGT – Next Generation Tennis: US Open (Wanadoo)
- NHL 2002 (Electronic Arts)
- Nicktoons Racing (Atari)
- Nicktoons Unite! (THQ)
- Ninja Cop (Konami)
- No Rules Get Phat (TDK mediactive)
- Noddy (TBA)
- Oddworld: Munch (THQ)
- One Piece (Bandai)
- Onimusha Tactics (Capcom)
- Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai (Hudson Soft)
- Ottifanten Pinball (TBA)
- Pac-Man Collection (Atari)
- Pac-Man Pinball (Midway)
- Pac-Man World (Midway)
- Pac-Man World 2 (Midway)
- Paper Boy / Rampage (Midway)
- Payback (Midway)
- Penny Racers (THQ)
- Peter Pan – The Motion Picture Event (Atari)
- Peter Pan: Neue Abenteuer in Nimmerland (Ubisoft)
- Pferd & Pony: Best Friends – Mein Pferd (dtp)
- Pferd & Pony: Lass uns reiten 2 (dtp)
- Pferd & Pony: Mein Gestüt (dtp)
- Pferd & Pony: Mein Pferdehof (dtp)
- Phalanx (Kemco)
- Phantasy Star Collection (Atari)
- Phil of the Future (Buena Vista Games)
- Pinball Advance (BigBen Interactive)
- Pinball Challenge Deluxe (Ubisoft)
- Pinball of the Dead (Atari)
- Pinball-e (Nintendo)
- Pink Panther – Die rosarote Verfolgungsjagd (Wanadoo)
- Pinobee – Wings Of Adventure (Activision)
- Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 (Buena Vista Games)
- Pitfall: Die verlorene Expedition (Activision)
- Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (THQ)
- Planet der Affen (Ubisoft)
- Planet Monsters (Avalon Interactive)
- Pocket Music (Ubisoft)
- Pokémon Blattgrün (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Feuerrot (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Rot (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Pinball: Rubin & Saphir (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Rubin (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Saphir (Nintendo)
- Pokémon Smaragd (Nintendo)
- Polarium Advance (Nintendo)
- Polly Pocket! – Super Splash Island (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Popeye: Rush for Spinach (Atari)
- Postman Pat (Flashpoint)
- Power Rangers Dino Thunder (THQ)
- Power Rangers Ninja Storm & Power Rangers Time (THQ)
- Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta (THQ)
- Power Rangers: Ninja Storm (THQ)
- Power Rangers: Time Force (THQ)
- Power Rangers: Wild Force (THQ)
- Prehistorik Man (Avalon Interactive)
- Premier Manager 2004/2005 (Midway)
- Premier Manager 2005/2006 (Midway)
- Prince of Persia 3 (Ubisoft)
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Ubisoft)
- Princess Natasha: Student-Secret Agent-Princess (Midway)
- Pro Beach Soccer (Wanadoo)
- Pro Surfer + Tony Hawk (Activision)
- Pro Tennis – WTA Tour (Konami)
- Punch King (Acclaim)
- Puyo Pop (Atari)
- Puyo Pop Fever (Atari)
- Puyo Pop Fever (THQ)
- Quad ATV + Monster Trucks (THQ)
- Racing Fever (TBA)
- Racing Gears Advance (Midway)
- Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (Ubisoft)
- Rampage Puzzle Attack (Konami)
- Rapala Pro Fishing (Midway)
- Ratatouille (THQ)
- Rave Master: Special Attack Force (Konami)
- Rayman 3 – Hoodlum Havoc (Ubisoft)
- Rayman Advance (Ubisoft)
- Rayman Raving Rabbids (Ubisoft)
- Rayman: 10th Anniversary (Ubisoft)
- Rayman: Die Rache der Hoodlums (Ubisoft)
- Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 (Konami)
- Rebelstar: Tactical Command (Atari)
- Reign Of Fire – Die Herrschaft des Feuers (Konami)
- Revenge of Shinobi (Atari)
- Rhythm Tengoku (Nintendo)
- Riviera: The Promised Land (TBA)
- RoboCop (Avalon Interactive)
- Robotech: The Macross Saga (TDK mediactive)
- Robots (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Rock (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Rockem Sockem (Zoo Digital)
- Rocket Power: The Dream Scheme (THQ)
- Roxstar (Ikarion)
- R-Type III (Midway)
- Sabre Wulf (THQ)
- Sabrina: The Teenage Witch – Potion Commotion (Ubisoft)
- Salt Lake 2002 (Ubisoft)
- Samurai Jack: The Amulet of Time (Acclaim)
- Santa Claus Jr. Advance (JoWooD Productions)
- Schweinchen Wilbur und seine Freunde (Sega)
- Scooby-Doo und die Cyber-Jagd (THQ)
- Scooby-Doo! 2: Die Monster sind los (THQ)
- Scooby-Doo! Unmasked (THQ)
- Scooby-Doo!: Fluch der Folianten (THQ)
- Scooby-Doo!: The Motion Picture (THQ)
- Scrabble (Ubisoft)
- Scrabble Scramble (Midway)
- Scurge Hive (Codemasters)
- Sea World: Shamu´s Deep Sea Adventures (Activision)
- Sega Arcade Gallery (Atari)
- Sega Rally (Atari)
- Serious Sam (Take 2 Interactive)
- Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits Soaring Hawk Version (Konami)
- Shaman King: Legacy of the Spirits Sprinting Wolf Version (Konami)
- Shaman King: Master of Spirits (Konami)
- Shaman King: Master of Spirits 2 (Konami)
- Shaun Palmer (Activision)
- Sheep! (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Shining Force – Auferstehung des schwarzen Drachen (THQ)
- Shining Soul (Atari)
- Shining Soul II (THQ)
- Shrek 2 (Activision)
- Shrek der Dritte (Activision)
- Shrek SuperSlam (Activision)
- Shrek: Hassle At The Castle (TDK mediactive)
- Shrek: Reekin (TDK mediactive)
- Shrek: Swamp Kart Speedway (TDK mediactive)
- Shrek´s Smash ´N´ Crash Racing (Activision)
- Sigma Star Saga (Atari)
- Silent Scope (Konami)
- Sim Tower SP (Nintendo)
- SimCity 2000 (THQ)
- Sitting Ducks (Flashpoint)
- Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest (Square Enix)
- Smashing Drive (Midway)
- Smuggler`s Run (BigBen Interactive)
- Snood (BigBen Interactive)
- Snoods On Vacation (Midway)
- Sonic Advance (Atari)
- Sonic Advance + Sonic Battle (THQ)
- Sonic Advance + Sonic Pinball Party (THQ)
- Sonic Advance 2 (Atari)
- Sonic Advance 3 (THQ)
- Sonic Battle (THQ)
- Sonic Pinball Party (THQ)
- Sonic Pinball Party + Sonic Battle (THQ)
- Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis (Sega)
- Space Channel 5: Ullala´s Cosmic Attack (Atari)
- Space Invaders (Activision)
- Speedball 2 (Wanadoo)
- Spider-Man 2 (Activision)
- Spider-Man 3 (Activision)
- Spider-Man: Battle for New York (Activision)
- Spider-Man: Mysterio (Activision)
- Spider-Man: The Movie (Activision)
- Spider-Man: The Movie + Spider-Man 2 (Activision)
- Spirit – Der wilde Mustang (THQ)
- Splinter Cell (Ubisoft)
- Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Ubisoft)
- SpongeBob im Fotofieber + SpongeBob: Der Film (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf und seine Freunde im Fotofieber (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Film ab! (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Kreatur aus der Krossen Krabbe (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Schlacht um Bikini Bottom (THQ)
- SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Supersponge (THQ)
- SpongeBob SuperSponge & SpongeBob Bikini Botto (THQ)
- SpongeBob SuperSponge & SpongeBob Flying Dutch (THQ)
- SpongeBob und seine Freunde: Angriff der Spielzeugroboter (THQ)
- SpongeBob und seine Freunde: Durch dick und dünn! (THQ)
- SpongeBob und seine Freunde: Schlacht um die Vulkaninsel (THQ)
- SpongeBob: Bikini Bottom/Jimmy Neutron (THQ)
- Spongebobs Atlantisches Abenteuer (THQ)
- Spy Hunter (Konami)
- Spy Kids 3D – Game Over (THQ)
- Spyhunter / Supersprint (Midway)
- Spyro Adventure (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Spyro The Dragon: Season Of Flame (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Spyro The Dragon: Season Of Ice (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Spyro: Fusion (Vivendi Universal Games)
- SRS: Street Racing Syndicate (Midway)
- SSX 3 (Electronic Arts)
- SSX Tricky (Electronic Arts)
- Star Wars – Episode I: Jedi Power Battles (THQ)
- Star Wars – Episode II: Angriff der Klonkrieger (THQ)
- Star Wars – Episode II: The New Droid Army (THQ)
- Star Wars – Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith (Ubisoft)
- Star Wars Trilogy: Apprentice of the Force (Ubisoft)
- Star Wars: Flight of the Falcon (THQ)
- Star X (Ubisoft)
- Starsky & Hutch (Empire Interactive)
- Steel Empire (Midway)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Ubisoft)
- Street Jam Basketball (Midway)
- Stuart Little 2 (Activision)
- Stuntman (Atari)
- Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari (Banpresto)
- Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari 2 (Banpresto)
- Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari 3 (Banpresto)
- Super Army Wars (Atlus)
- Super Black Bass Advance (Ubisoft)
- Super Bust-A-Move (Ubisoft)
- Super Dodge Ball Advance (Ubisoft)
- Super Ghouls & Ghosts (Electronic Arts)
- Super Mario Advance (Nintendo)
- Super Mario Ball (Fuse Games)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 – Super Mario Advance 4 (Nintendo)
- Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 (Nintendo)
- Super Monkey Ball Junior (Atari)
- Super Puzzle Fighter II (Capcom)
- Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! (Disney Interactive)
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (Ubisoft)
- Superman Returns: Festung der Einsamkeit (Electronic Arts)
- Superman: Countdown To Apokolips (Atari)
- Sword of Mana (Nintendo)
- Tactics Ogre Gaiden: The Knight of Lodis (Nintendo)
- Tak 2: Der Stab der Träume (THQ)
- Tak 3: Die große Juju-Jagd (THQ)
- Tak und die Macht des JuJu (THQ)
- Tales of Phantasia (Nintendo)
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 2 (Namco)
- Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3 (Namco)
- Tang Tang (Take 2 Interactive)
- Tarzan: Rückkehr in den Dschungel (Activision)
- Teen Titans (Majesco Games)
- Teen Titans 2 (Majesco Games)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Konami)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 – BattleNexus (Konami)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Double Pack (Konami)
- Tekken Advance (Atari)
- Tennis Davis Cup (Ubisoft)
- Tennis Master Series 2003 (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Tennis-e (Nintendo)
- Terminator 3: Rebellion der Maschinen (Atari)
- Tetris Worlds (THQ)
- That´s So Raven 2 (Disney Interactive)
- The Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkeys (Swing! Entertainment)
- The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (Namco)
- The Bible Game (Crave Entertainment)
- The Cat In The Hat (Vivendi Universal Games)
- The Cheetah Girls (Buena Vista Games)
- The Explorer One (K.E. Media)
- The Incredible Hulk (Vivendi Universal Games)
- The Invincible Iron Man (Activision)
- The Legend of Spyro – A New Beginning (Vivendi Universal Games)
- The Lost Vikings (Vivendi Universal Games)
- The Nightmare before Christmas: Der Kürbiskönig (Buena Vista Games)
- The Powerpuff Girls: Him And Seek (Konami)
- The Powerpuff Girls: Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go (Ubisoft)
- The Ripping Friends (THQ)
- The Santa Clause 3 (Buena Vista Games)
- The Scorpion King: Schwert des Osiris (Vivendi Universal Games)
- The Simpsons: Road Rage (THQ)
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (Buena Vista Games)
- Thunderbirds – International Rescue (Codemasters)
- Thunderbirds (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Tierisch Wild (Buena Vista Games)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 (Ubisoft)
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Electronic Arts)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster (BigBen Interactive)
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Stackers (BigBen Interactive)
- TMNT – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ubisoft)
- TOCA World Touring Cars (Ubisoft)
- Tokyo Xtreme Racer Advance (Crave Entertainment)
- Tom & Jerry Tales (Warner Bros Interactive)
- Tom & Jerry: Der magische Ring (Ubisoft)
- Tom & Jerry: Infurnal Escape (Ubisoft)
- Tomb Raider: Legend (Eidos Interactive)
- Tomb Raider: The Prophecy (Ubisoft)
- Tony Hawk´s American SK8Land (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Downhill Jam (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 2 (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 3 (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Pro Skater 4 (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Underground (Activision)
- Tony Hawk´s Underground 2 (Activision)
- Top Gear GT Championship (Kemco)
- Top Gear Rally (Nintendo)
- Top Gun: Combat Zones (Avalon Interactive)
- Top Gun: Firestorm Advance (Avalon Interactive)
- Top Spin (2K Sports)
- Top Spin 2 (Take 2 Interactive)
- Total Soccer Manager (Ubisoft)
- Totally Spies (Atari)
- Trickstar (CDV)
- Triff die Robinsons (Buena Vista Games)
- Trollz: Hair Affair (Ubisoft)
- Tron 2.0: Killer App (Electronic Arts)
- Turok Evolution (Acclaim)
- Tweety & The Magic Gems (Kemco)
- Ty 3: Night of the Quinkan (TBA)
- Ty der tasmanische Tiger 2 – Die Bumerang-Gang (Electronic Arts)
- Ultimate Arcade Games (TBA)
- Ultimate Pocket Games (TBA)
- Ultimate Spider-Man (Activision)
- Unfabulous (THQ)
- Uno + Skipbo (Midway)
- UNO 52 (Midway)
- UNO Freefall (Midway)
- Urban Champion-e (Nintendo)
- V.I.P. (Ubisoft)
- Van Helsing (Vivendi Universal Games)
- Virtua Tennis (Atari)
- Virtual Kasparov (Avalon Interactive)
- V-Rally 3 (Atari)
- V-Rally 3 + Stuntman (Atari)
- W.I.T.C.H. (Buena Vista Games)
- Wade Hixton (Midway)
- Wakeboarding Unleashed Featuring Shaun Murray (Activision)
- Warhammer 40,000 (THQ)
- Wario Land 4 (Nintendo)
- WarioWare Twisted! (Nintendo)
- WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania (Nintendo)
- Wer wird Millionär? – 2nd Edition (BigBen Interactive)
- Wer wird Millionär? (THQ)
- Whac-A-Mole (Activision)
- Wing Commander Prophecy (Take 2 Interactive)
- Wings (Midway)
- Winter Olympics 2002 (Ubisoft)
- Winterspiele 2006 (East Entertainment Media)
- Winx Club (Konami)
- Winx Club: The Quest For The Codex (Konami)
- Wizardry Summoner (Ubisoft)
- Woody Woodpecker In Crazy Castle 5 (Kemco)
- World Poker Tour (Take 2 Interactive)
- World Reborn (TBA)
- Worms Blast (Ubisoft)
- Worms World Party (Ubisoft)
- WWE Road To Wrestlemania X8 (THQ)
- WWE Survivor Series (THQ)
- WWF Road To Wrestlemania (THQ)
- X-bladez – Inline Skater (Ubisoft)
- X-Men 2: Wolverine´s Revenge (Activision)
- X-Men: Reign Of Apocalypse (Activision)
- X-Men: The Official Game (Activision)
- xXx – The Movie (Activision)
- Yggdra Union (Sting)
- Yoshi´s Island – Super Mario Advance 3 (Nintendo)
- Yoshi´s Universal Gravitation (Nintendo)
- Yu Yu Hakusho Ghost Files: Spirit Detective (Atari)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Der Tag des Duellanten – World Champ. Tourn. 2005 (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Pack (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Duel Academy (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Destiny Board Traveller (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Die Heiligen Karten (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Dungeondice Monsters (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Reschef der Zerstörer (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Ultimate Masters Edition – World Champ. Tou. 2006 (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: World Championship Tournament (Konami)
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Worldwide Edition – Stairway To The Destined Duel (Konami)
- Zapper – Eine total durchgeknallte Grille (Atari)
- Zero Tours: Unlimited Mysteries (Media Rings)
- Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars (Konami)
- ZooCube (Acclaim)
- Zooo (Flashpoint)